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I am a Danish engineer and hold a Ph.D. degree in nanophotonics. Today, I work as Director of Sales and Marketing in the company TICRA in Copenhagen.
Previously, I worked as Product Lead and Research Engineer in TICRA with a focus on R&D, analysis, and design of antennas for space applications:

Large European Deployable Reflector: RF Modeling and Measurement Correlation, AP-S/URSI (2021) High-Frequency CubeSat Platform Scattering UsingHigher-Order Method of Moments, AP-S/URSI (2019) Multi-Feed-Per-Beam Antenna Concept for High-Performance Passive Microwave Radiometers, ESA Antenna Workshop (2018) Feed Array Breadboard for Future Passive Microwave Radiometer Antennas, EuCAP (2018)Large Deployable Antennas Benchmark for Contoured Beam Mission in C Band, EuCAP (2018)Advances on High-Performance Curved Reflectarrays for Telecommunication Applications, AP-S/URSI (2017)Advanced Techniques for Grating Lobe Reduction for Large Deployable Mesh Reflector Antennas, AP-S/URSI (2017)Full-Wave and Multi-GTD Analysis of the Ice Cloud Imager for MetOp-SG, EuCAP (2017)

Book: Surviving and Succeeding the PhD

I am editor and co-author of the book “The Nordic PhD: Surviving and Succeeding”, an edited book written for Ph.D. students and published in 2018.
The book is part of an international series and follows editions in Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, the U.K., U.S., and South Africa.
In addition to being an editor, I authored chapter 5 “Writing the PhD Thesis: Planning, Getting Started and Getting Done” of the book.

Ph.D. project and research topics

I obtained my Ph.D. degree in 2015 from DTU Fotonik at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
During the Ph.D, I was a member of the Nanophotonics Theory and Signal Processing group.
Research topics included:

  • Photonic crystal cavity-waveguide structures
  • Quasi-normal modes of leaky and resonant nanophotonic systems
  • Computational techniques for nanophotonics
  • Optical properties of plasmonic nano-dimers

Benchmarking five numerical simulation techniques for computing resonance wavelengths and quality factors in photonic crystal membrane line defect cavities, Opt. Express 26, 11366 (2018) On the Theory of Coupled Modes in Optical Cavity-Waveguide Structures, J. Lightwave Technol. 35, 4247 (2017) Modeling open nanophotonic systems using the Fourier modal method: generalization to 3D Cartesian coordinates, JOSA A 34, 1632 (2017)

Semianalytical quasi-normal mode theory for the local density of states in coupled photonic crystal cavity-waveguide structures, Opt. Lett. 40, 5790-5793 (2015) Impact of slow-light enhancement on optical propagation in active semiconductor photonic-crystal waveguides, Phys. Rev. A 92, 053839 (2015)Calculation, normalization, and perturbation of quasinormal modes in coupled cavity-waveguide systems, Opt. Lett. 39, 6359-6362 (2014)

Roundtrip matrix method for calculating the leaky resonant modes of open nanophotonic structures, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 31, 2142−2151 (2014) Scaling of the Surface Plasmon Resonance in Gold and Silver Dimers Probed by EELS, J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 5478−5485 (2014) Three-dimensional integral equation approach to light scattering, extinction cross sections, local density of states, and quasi-normal modes, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 30, 1996-2007 (2013)


August 2024: Start as TICRA’s Director of Sales and Marketing.

July 2024: Participation as TICRA booth responsible in the exhibition at the AP-S/URSI Conference and Exhibition in Florence.

March 2024: Participation as TICRA booth responsible in the exhibition at the SATELLITE Conference and Exhibition in Washington D.C.

November 2023: Participation in the course Sales-Generating B2B Marketing at Teknologisk Institut.

September 2023: Participation as TICRA booth responsible in the exhibition at the European Microwave Week (EuMW) in Berlin.

July 2023: Co-author of the paper “Large Reflectarray for SAR for Earth Observation: RF Design and Measurement Correlation” at the AP-S/URSI Conference in Portland.

June 2023: Participation as TICRA booth responsible in the exhibition at the International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in San Diego.

March 2023: Participation at the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in Florence.

October 2022: Participation as TICRA booth responsible in the exhibition at the IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology in Waltham.

September 2022: Participation as TICRA booth responsible in the exhibition at the European Microwave Week (EuMW) in Milano.

March 2022: Participation in and co-author of the paper “RF Modeling and Measurements of a Reflectarray for Synthetic Aperture Radar for Earth Observations” at the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) in Madrid.

March 2022: After 10 years of blogging at Forskningsingeniøren, stop as blogger with Danish science, technology and engineering newspaper Ingeniøren.

January 2022: Start as TICRA’s Head of Team of Sales and Marketing.

December 2021: Co-chair of the session Reflector and Reflectarray Antennas III and presentation of the paper “Large European Deployable Reflector: RF Modeling and Measurement Correlation” at the AP-S/URSI Conference.

August 2021: Participation in the course IT Project Management at Teknologisk Institut.

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